This week, i would like to take a look and share some thoughts about the moment in the life of Moses when God calls him to return to Egypt and tell pharaoh “let my people go.’
1. Moses was 80 years old when God told him to return to Egypt.
2. Lesson: no matter how old you are, like Moses, God has something for you to do!
3. Some think when they retire or get older life is over.
Others think life is over long before they retire. Still others think they are alive, but make dead end choices – choose negative relationships, dangerous substances, wasteful spending, and fruitless contemplation, and wonder why their lives are not happy.
When God told Moses to go back to Egypt and liberate his people, the first thing Moses says is pharaoh will not believe me because I am not eloquent and slow of tongue and slow of speech. The observation of Moses was accurate, but what Moses did not count on, is that God is bigger then our capacity to speak! God saw something in Moses that Moses did not see in himself!
Why do you think God chose Moses, a man who was not eloquent and slow of speech, to tell pharaoh let my people go? Do you think maybe God saw an advantage to Moses speaking, more so than anybody else?
Just as God saw something in Moses, God sees something in you and even me! Eventually Moses made God angry. Lesson: if you and I put God off long enough, we too will make God angry. After making God angry, God chose Aaron, the elder brother of Moses to do the talking with pharaoh.
Likewise, if you and I keep stonewalling God, God may go around you and choose somebody else!
I find it fascinating that out of all the people in the Jewish race to liberate the Jewish people, God chose Moses and not someone else who was younger, stronger, maybe better looking, and definitely a better speaker.
Lesson: in God’s eyes, you already possess everything you need! Think of the opportunities we pass up because we think we’re not old enough, not smart enough, not compelling enough, not eloquent enough, even when God has already identified you for success!
From this point on, Aaron is the principle communicator for God when talking to Moses. I pray you have found this meditation to be helpful, and I hope it will cause you to think twice when it seems like God is compelling you to do or say something! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family in all ways, and thank you for reading. Blessings, Nick