A Ministry Bringing Hope & Inspiration
Love is more significant than prophecy, wisdom, faith and hope. ( 1 Cor. 13). Paul teaches us that love is patient and kind. For the next few weeks I will challenge the reader to focus on things that diminish love. In first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 4 Paul tells us that love is not jealous, boastful, or rude. This week I look at another behavior Paul teaches that degrades our love – insisting on having your own way.
As I consider the question, “What is so bad about insisting on your own way?” First, it is important to know what you want and why it is important to you? Paul does not say ,”love should keep quiet and refuse to have conversations regarding what you want, or what you think is right.” What he says is, “love does not insist on its own way. “This is different then saying “ love does not communicate ones feelings. “ I believe the problem with insisting on having your own way is that word, insist. To insist implies to be demanding, inflexible and argumentative.
When a person is demanding, inflexible, and argumentative, often things can become ugly and painful. Sometimes it can seem as if our interpersonal arguments take on lives of their own. What I mean by this, is that sometimes the argument becomes a greater focus then whatever the objective was to begin with. For example, if a couple is arguing about what movie to stream, restaurant to eat dinner, where to vacation, what concert to attend, sometimes it can seem as though the initial reason for the argument to have your way is overshadowed by the desire simply to be victorious in the battle.
For a person to insist on their own way, the desire to win the battle can create a spirit which is anything other than patient or kind, because of the atmosphere of tension between the two persons. I think the apostle Paul would encourage people to speak their mind, share their thoughts and let the others they are trying to sway one way or another is appropriate. The line of demarcation between appropriate and inappropriate conversation is when we allow ourselves to become so personally invested in getting our way that what we really seek is to win at all costs.
Thank you for visiting this website. My desire is to share thoughts, prayers, videos, and podcasts on real life issues that face the modern Christian. “Love believes all things” is the focus for this week. I hope you find today’s message worthwhile and meaningful. Thank you.